After use, simply wipe your board off with a damp sponge. It's alright to use a little mild soap or even a scotchbrite pad if things get seriously messy. When the board starts to appear dried out, apply food safe mineral oil to all surfaces (yes, even the sides and the bottom), let it sink in, then wipe off with a dry cloth or paper towel. A highly refined plant-based oil, such as coconut, is also acceptable to use. Plant- based oils do have the ability to become rancid and may not be the best option for everyone. 

Stains from strawberries, beets, or other highly pigmented veg can happen. Scrubbing hard will not remove these stains, but over time they will naturally fade away. The application of mineral (or another similar) oil, will help to push the color and other contaminants from the grain and out of the board. 

It is not recommended to store your board in direct sunlight, set hot pans on, or wash in a dishwasher.

Keeping your knives as sharp as possible will ensure that the self healing properties of endgrain are fully utilized.